Legal & Business Alliances

Speak Legal has legal and business alliances

strategically located in the US and Internationally

We and our alliances are committed not to make the

mistakes of large law firms. Therefore:

We treat you with respect, and we are humble.

We don’t offer you solutions that are costly and

inefficient, to maximize our fees.

We only know how to proposed simple and

effective solutions, as if your business was our


We work with our clients, as their partners. We

listen to their ideas, their concerns, and their

reservations; and together craft better solutions.

In short, we honestly believe that your success is

our success!

Our Offices

Speak Legal has offices in the US and internationally. More importantly, we continue to add

offices that complement our services, complement our locations, and that operate consistent

with our ethical standards.

Speak Legal, LLC Espaņol Our People Our services Legal & Business Alliances Bus. Opportunities Contact/Offices
© 2012. Speak Legal, LLC. All rights reserved.
Speak Legal, LLC  4055 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Suite 120 Lawrenceville, GA  30044 U.S.A. Office: 	(678) 691-3232 Cell - 1:	(678) 625-0098 Cell - 2: 	(770) 329-6949
Please click on the office locations for a brief description of services.

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Speak Legal, LLC 4955 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Suite 120 Lawrenceville, GA 30044

Tijuana, Mexico

GLOBALlink Calle 12 Fray Justo Sierra # 9216 Col. Marrón, Tijuana B.C. 22000 Mexico

Madrid, Spain

amber legal & business advisors Calle Zurbarán 8, 4º 28010 Madrid Spain

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Rois Mendez, LLC 4955 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Suite 120 Lawrenceville, GA 30044

San Diego, California, USA

GLOBALlink 628 ½ E. San Ysidro Blvd., 9216 San Ysidro, CA 92173 Mexico

Barcelona, Spain

amber legal & business advisors Calle Mandri 37-39, entlo 3 08022 Barcelona Spain
Legal & Business Alliances